Something Pretty Featured in the Huffington Post

Something Pretty Featured in the Huffington Post

Last week, we were delighted to be approached by the Huffington Post who were writing the article "Mastectomy Bras UK: These brands will change your perception of mastectomy lingerie."

Style writer Rosy Cherrington had some questions about what we offer and our approach to mastectomy lingerie. You can read the full Huffington Post article and we've included some of the questions & answers from our chat below.

Rosy: What made you first decide to start Something Pretty?

Diana: We provide a service to Mastectomy patients in Scotland, and many would request information about lingerie, so we decided to provide an online website, to make it easier for them to re-order bras (many of which they have seen/tried at the clinic) and contact us for advice and information. It is as much a point of contact for patients.
Rosy: Do you think women have enough options out there when it comes to mastectomy lingerie?

Diana: There is probably far more now than there ever has been previously, however, it's still very much online if patients want to access a wider variety. Patients have even more problems accessing things like swimwear. The service patients get in Scotland, especially in Glasgow, is very good and they probably have more access to a wide range of Prosthesis and lingerie than anywhere else in the UK. 
Rosy: What sort of feedback have you had from customers?

Diana: We get very good feedback, we try and offer patients the widest range of colours and styles available, and often these are special orders which are harder to source, but we think it's worth the effort. 
Rosy: Why do you think it's so important to provide women with comfortable and gorgeous underwear?

Diana: I don't think Mastectomy patients should be treated any differently from other women...simple as that. Would you not want comfortable and attractive underwear?
Rosy: Could you tell me a bit about your fitting guide videos?
Diana: We added 3 fitting videos, using a model and one of our fitters (Lauren) to show the fit and design of 3 of the more popular bras, we will add to these as we go forward, so ladies can see in detail how bras fit etc, assuming they can't come in and see us. It lets ladies see that there is nothing to be worried about with Mastectomy Lingerie.

Thank you Rosy and the Huffington Post!

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